6 Tips on How to Improve Work-Life Balance & PREVENT BURNOUT | Kreate Education, Bay Area Creative Mentorship
Your work, no matter how passionate you are about it, is just one part of you! Remember that you have a life outside of your job :) I know…it’s easy to forget, especially in the first few years. As small business owners, it can be VERY hard to differentiate the two but it’s crucial that you strike a balance between the two so that you can improve your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
There’s a quote that rings true in this aspect of our lives: “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” Work-life balance is not an option—it is a necessity. But let’s be real, it’s easier said than done. Trust me, I’ve been there. I’ve struggled with burnout several times, suffered from health issues related to my lack of boundaries that perpetuated the stress cycle (ulcers…), and definitely have learned these lessons the hard way!
Below are 5 practical tips to help you get into a good work-mind-body flow:
One of the hardest things to master is the art of saying “no” to others, especially when it comes to our jobs. However, that simple word is a vital aspect of establishing healthier boundaries.
Here are some ways I have created healthy boundaries in my business:
1) I allocate certain days of the week for client calls, management and experience so that I am in a certain headspace giving the best customer service possible. Other days of the week are dedicated to booking shoots. I no longer blend shoot + office days.
2) I do not answer emails after 5 pm, and I sign out of my business email account on my iPhone at that time so all new notifications are turned off.
3) I have multiple assistants, editors, and photographers on my team. I used to people please constantly, bending backward and making sure everyone’s needs were met when it actually was hurting me to be so flexible. Now, I have VERY clear SOPs (system of procedures) for the company’s deadlines, workflows, and processes so it is clear across the board.
4) Turn all notifications off by using focus mode on iPhone, minimize screen time on the phone as much as possible, and create a daily schedule every day first thing in the morning.
You'll have more time for things that are way more important to you if you stop taking tasks and responsibilities out of guilt or a false feeling of obligation. Tomorrow is a new day and we have to set boundaries to feel at peace and inspired with our work!
Detach From Work
Ever felt a lingering tension even when you’ve already clocked out? Working from home or constantly connecting to work via technology while at home might make you feel like you're always on the clock.
One way to go about this is to know your manager’s expectations for when you can unplug. If you’re currently working from the comforts of your home, dress for work and, if feasible, have a quiet designated workplace.
Once you’re done working, detach and transition to home life each day by changing your clothes, going for a drive or a stroll, or gathering up the kids for a fun family activity.
Practice Time Management (but for real though…)
If you don’t give yourself enough time to get things done, you’ll most probably end up suffering from burnout. Don’t ever overschedule yourself! It’s so hard to actually do - but try not to over-extend yourself, it’s much harder to recharge once you have fully burnt out.
Whenever you’re hard at work, keep track of the time when you’re most productive. Once you’ve identified this, set aside this time every day for your most critical job-related tasks. Checking your email and phone every few minutes is a significant time-waster that detracts from your concentration and productivity, so avoid them whenever you can. Adding structure to your day can help you be more productive at work, which means you'll have more time to unwind outside of work.
My main recommendation here is to map out your workday using 1.5-2 time blocks.
Here is a sample of an office day for me:
6:30 am - Wake, Coffee, Personal morning routine
8:30 - Begin work
8:30 - 10:30 am - Prep editing jobs to be outsourced over coffee and music (believe it or not, this still takes so much time!)
10:30 - 12 pm - EMAILS, client management, clear inbox
12 pm - Lunch + 5000 step walk/run
1 pm - 3 pm - Client Calls
3 pm - 5 pm - Marketing prep, social media strategy, backend business maintenance + workflow maintenance
5 - 7:30 pm - Family time
7:30 - 9 pm - SELF CARE (bath, reading, stretch, meal prep, podcasts, zone out…be human!!!)
Put Your Health First
If you’re suffering from physical pain or health issues, deteriorating mental health, or constant sluggishness, you need to take a long, hard look at your priorities and place your health at the very top. Working yourself to the bone will only prevent you from further improving, which may just force you to take more vacation days in the future.
Placing your health first will help you become a better employee. But more than that, it will help you be a better person. Now, you don’t have to do anything severe or dramatic to prioritize your health. You can start with the simplest things, such as daily meditation, exercise, or simply using a vacation responder to begin the road to better boundaries.
You can even create a self-care kit that you can turn to whenever you have the urge to relax. Other than that, you can work on your hobbies, such as gardening or reading. Your hobbies are some of the best activities that will help you recharge and take your mind off of work.
One thing you should remember about work is that you were an individual before you took any kind of position in any of the jobs you’ve had over the years. If you don't set aside time for yourself, you'll never have time to do other things outside of work. Even if your schedule is as crazy as can be, you still have total control over your time and life. Part of this means eliminating people from your professional life that are what I call “energy takers.” These types of people typically leave us feeling stressed, negative, tired, resentful or fearful.
We, as entrepreneurs, are already more prone to struggles with mental health and fatigue juggling it all. There is simply no room or place for energy takers :)
When organizing time with your loved ones, make a calendar for romantic and family dates. It may seem strange at first to plan one-on-one time with someone you live with, but it’ll make sure that you spend meaningful time with them without work-life conflict.
While it’s true that work keeps you busy, it shouldn’t mean that you can overlook the relationships you have with the people around you. Prioritize the people that you love and feel connected to, less is more!
Ask For Help & Outsource AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
As an entrepreneur, we have limited time and money so we need to constantly think about our end business goals. Outsourcing allows you as a business entrepreneur to shift focus from peripheral, repetitive tasks & activities toward serving your clients in a more grounded, authentic way. It also helps you prioritize business activities that lead to revenue-generating results that meet your business and personal goals. By having your team focus on what they’re good at and leaving the skill-driven, non-revenue generating tasks to an outside provider or third party, your business can revitalize its focus so everyone is working towards a common goal!
“Asking for help does not mean I am not good enough”
“Outsourcing is not a cop-out”
“Finding balance in my business creates ease and abundance in my life”
You don’t have to do everything by yourself. The people who can delegate and rely on others versus needing constant control are those who reach their full potential and manifest the most success on their entrepreneurial journies.
When everything feels way too chaotic to handle, create a budget for your physical and mental health. Therapy, coaching, acupuncture, yoga, and the list goes on. Striking a balance between your work life and your personal life is a long and continuous process, so strive for something realistic rather than something perfect. On some days, you may devote more time and energy to your tasks and projects at work, while on others, you’ll dedicate it to self-care and rejuvenating yourself.
Remember, creating a balance between your work life and personal life is achieved over time, not overnight. I am still working on this every, single day :)