Be Impeccable With Your Desires - Danielle Laporte
I am floored and broken open by last nights talk at the Yoga Journal Conference 2016. Danielle Laporte (one of my biggest mentors and role models) brought her heart to San Francisco and showered her knowledge and graceful approach to life upon us all. I went with a dear friend and jotted down works, quotes, ideas and reflections that resonated with me. As a female entrepreneur & a woman devoted to conscious evolution, emotional + physical well-being and making radical change....I felt like a sponge soaking up every piece of potent information. SO GOOD. SO INSPIRING. RELATABLE. ENERGIZING. I do not quote know where to put the thoughts, ideas and visions that are flowing through my I thought I would start by sharing the pieces that stuck with me:
WISDOM: "Ecstacy is our birthright. Our work here is sanctioned by US."
"Loving yourself can be uncomfortable. Loving yourself does not guarantee that life us going to get easier. It only guarantee's that you have more control over your future."
"Get in front of your lessons vs. being hit by them" (i.e. get in front of the wave before it crashes)
"Be impeccable with your desires"
"Obligation is toxic"
"Pain vs. gratitude: your willingness to be slayed open allows room for gratitude"
MONEY: "Be clear on WHY you want money & how much? Get clear on feelings around abundance. How do you want to design your life?"
"Our money energy sits below the heart. The more generous we are, the more we receive"
FLOW: "That space of no time" (think about this....where and when do you feel in the flow?
What I feel most called to, is BEING IMPECCABLE WITH MY DESIRES. Why settle for less? Who is in the way other than myself? I did a journal exercise when I got home last night. Ginger tea in hand, I wrote down all of my greatest desires. I encourage you to do so, on this rainy calm day. Why not?
I encourage you to listen to this track...grab a journal and allow the ink and paper to hold your dreams, your desires and your visions. A place you can revisit during times that feel challenging. Life is not necessarily going to shift and become golden in all ways, but our thought process and commitment to dropping into our hearts will carry us through times where we feel defeated. We can design our lives, and I have tremendous gratitude for you, Danielle Laporte! Happy Saturday everyone.
Goal setting just got a makeover. Danielle LaPorte's Desire Map program is where spirit meets matter as you aim for what you want in life. Practical. Meaningful. Real. The Desire Map will help you turn your ambitions inside out.
I guess it is time to put the desire map into action..... xo Katie